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Perseteruan Getah Bening (2010)

Dalang: Catur Kuncoro

Sutradara: Eko Nugroho

Cara penulisan kutipan: Catur Kuncoro and Eko Nugroho ([2010] 2016), Perseteruan Getah Bening [The Battle of the Clear Fluids], translation and notes by Miguel Escobar Varela, Yosephin Novi Marginingrum and Steven Burrel. Singapore: Contemporary Wayang Archive. Retrieved from http://cwa-web.org/en/PerseteruanGetahBening.

Ringkasan (Bahasa Inggris)

In the first part of the performance, a dalang introduces himself and says he makes a living as a seller of jamu (herbal traditional medicine). He steps out of the stage and sells aphrodisiac potions to several people. The second part of the performance is narrated through puppets. A man (Bambang) and a woman (Bening) discuss their relationship. Bening is married but dissatisfied with her marital life and is having an affair with Bambang. Getah, the husband, walks in on them. He threatens his wife and her lover with a gun, and fires a shot in the end.

Sumber lakon: Keadaan Terkini

Iringan: Gamelan, Musik Elektronik

Artistik: Kelir Video, Kelir Wayang, Panggung Teater

Pemain: Dalang Tunggal, Sulih Suara, Pemain Teater

Jenis wayang: Wayang Kreasi Baru

Bahasa: Bahasa Jawa

Catatan Teknik (Bahasa Inggris)

Catatan: Part of Eko Nugroho's Wayang Bocor series. Performed on 24 April 2010.

Diproduksi oleh: Daging Tumbuh

Direkam di: Lembaga Indonesia Prancis (LIP), Yogyakarta

Pemeran dan kru

Script: Goenawan "Cindhil" Maryanto

Music: Yenu Ariendra

Lighting design: Ignatius Sugiharto

Crew: Kotot, Vindra, Sigit Boginov, Gudhel, Ambar, Oki Permatasari, Ratna Mufida, Desi suryanto, Dagingtumbuh Studio Team.

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Translation and notes by Miguel Escobar Varela (MEV), Yosephin Novi Marginingrum (YNM) and Steven Burrel (SB).

1. This is a manggala, a praise to God that is often found at the beginning of several Javanese literary texts and wayang performances YNM. The mantra itself is known as Jåpå, which originates from Sanskrit and the Hindu era, and has been written and practiced for centuries by Javanesa dalang. Hong is believed to be derived from Hinduism’s Om or Aum. Usually much longer, this Jåpå mantra has been scaled down in size to suit this shorter contemporary setting SB.

2. Angĕlangut [daydream] is used to describe types of prayer or meditation, which involves either freeing the mind of all thought, or concentrating deeply on something in particular. A third use of Angelangut is to describe a state or situation that is lacking in energy or zest, or perhaps slightly boring SB.

3. Eko Nugroho is a reputable contemporary artist who is based in Yogyakarta, besides being the creator of all the visuals and puppets used in this performance, he is also the director of this collaboration MEV.

4. Kikrik is commonly used to mean "stingy" (pelit in Indonesian). However it can mean either stingy or mean SB.

5. Jombang is a place in east Java, Boyolali is a place in central Java, but these words are used as part of a joke, as Jombang rhymes with panjang [long], and Boyolali rhymes with kembaliin [to give back] YNM and MEV.

6. Same as in the previous note. Makasar, a place on the Island of Sulawesi, rhymes with besar[big]. Samigaluh, a place in central Java, rhymes with sĕpuluh [ten] YNM and MEV.

7. In Indonesia, construction workers are often paid their wages on Saturday, and this practice is called sĕton YNM.

8. Dhawĕt is a popular and traditional cold sweet drink made from small rice flour droplets, coconut milk and palm sugar. The dalang is obviously being sarcastic SB.

9. The dalang's "sales mat" either is or resembles some kind of street gambling game. The customer wishes to gamble SB.

10. Jamu is a herbal or natural remedy; énggal [quick], sĕda[to die] YNM.

11. As in the previous note séda actually means "to die" but here, the dalang plays with the syllables, explaining the word as a combination of sĕnĕng [to like] and dawa [long] SB and MEV.

12. Kuat rabi [strong for marital relationships] SB.

13. The stage name of the dalang, Ki Catur Kuncoro is "Bènyèk", which sounds like banyak [many]. The dalang substitues his name into the popular expression banyak anak banyak rejeki [having many children brings extensive wealth] MEV.

14. When interviewed about the meaning of wock, the dalang said he was trying to make a joke, but doesn't remember exactly what he meant MEV.

15. Pak RT is the head of the direct neighbourhood or Rukun Tetangga [Neighbourhood Association], Pak RW is the head of the surrounding area Rukun Warga [Citizen Association]. There are usually many RWs and thus many RTs in one village SB.

16. Inaudible segment, however the police officer obviously asks for some medicine SB.

17. Catur is the name of the dalang. The famous artist Eko Nugroho played the cameo role of the undercover policeman SB and MEV.

18. Autan is the most common insect repellent in Indonesia MEV.

19. The man that needs to go busking is a very low grade busker, known as icik-icik which usually requires very little talent, basically shaking a homemade rattle and sometimes singing whilst hanging around people until they give the busker some money. Jalan Sagan is a street with many cafes and eateries close to Gadjah Mada University, in Yogyakarta SB and MEV.

20. Cĕcungguk was used as "spy" during colonial times. Now it indicates people of lower status than the speaker YNM.

21. Daging gelonggonan is referring to a way of processing meat, where water is added to make it much heavier and therefore more expensive SB.

22. Tante literally means "aunty", however here it is explained as an abbreviation of tangan [hand] and tĕngĕn [right] SB.

23. They are looking for the halal symbol of approbal on the dalang's homemade sales board SB.

24. Blaco means calico in English, a plain-woven textile made from unbleached cotton SB.

25. In Indonesian, the penis is referred to as burung [bird] MEV.

26. Minyak singir is oil that has been blessed by prayers. Singir means "worship" YNM.

27. Oli samping [side petrol] refers to the petrol used for old motorbikes, where the gas tank is located at the side of the engine YNM.

28. Badranaya [acts that lead to happiness] is one of the titles of Semar MEV.

29. Untir-untir is a sweet snack, a long plaited hard bread SB.

30. The real expression is asu gĕdhé mĕnang kĕrahé [the big dog wins the fight] which is taken to mean "those in high office, have strong power" YNM.

31. See note 30 YNM.

32. Tan kĕna kinaya ngapa is a proverb rooted in Javanese philosophy, which means, "God can change everything in ways which we cannot predict and thus we must just go with it" SB.

33. Literally, "we are two people", as in, we diverge too much SB.

34. Lit., klomoh means "wet" MEV.

35. Word play on what she said earlier. She mentioned, "we are two", meaning they were drifting apart, but he replies by saying that being different is their strength SB and MEV.

36. Sarkěm is a famous neighborhood in Yogyakarta, famous for prostitution MEV.

37. Depok beach is close to Yogyakarta, and is a place where couples go for dates. A fish market offers fresh fish that can then be taken to a restaurant to be fried on the spot MEV.

38. Jĕblog is an area south of Yogyakarta, but the word Jĕblog itself is sometimes used to mean "bad" YNM.

39. "Bastard" is added for emphasis SB.

40. Ndhasmu [your head] is commonly used by those who are angry in response to answers or opinions with which they don’t agree. It is considered rough and often vulgar language. Atos [hard] adds emphasis, so the phrase means "your head is hard!" Indeed everybody’s skull is reasonably hard but in Javanese this is taken as a very vulgar insult. There are many other examples of these kinds of insults such as, "your knee bones are hard" or "your eyes are holes (in your skin)" SB.

41. The origin of dobol is to describe hemorrhoids as well as other problems connected to the anus or rectum. It can also mean "perforated" and it is sometimes used to mean "broken". Here, we can take it to mean something like, “even if you try so hard that you break something you still couldn't do it!" SB.

42. Suwèk [to tear up] SB.

43. KDRT stands for Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga [Domestic Violence] YNM.

44. Ancient Javanese: Sura mrata jaya mrata [total courage, total victory]. Although there is the possibility that this phrase could be used sincerely, it is more commonly used in wayang by rough, ungracious characters, and it conveys complete arrogance SB.

45. Hywang Manon is an old and respectable way of addressing the Lord God. Hywang is simply a title of respect, used only for God, or the Gods. Manon originates from the words Maha and Anon. Maha means high, superior, extreme, etc, whilst Anon means to see or to know. Thus we get "the high and mighty one who sees and knows all" SB.

46. Nusantara is an old term to refer to the Austronesian archipelago, which roughly corresponds to present day Indonesia. Its first documented use is from the 13th century but it is still commonly used today MEV.

The honorifics in the original languages were retained in the subtitles. In Javanese and Indonesian, speakers address their interlocutors with over 40 different honorifics which denote differences in their relative status and level of intimacy.

ID = Indonesian

JW = Javanese

Adik. ID. Younger brother/sister. It is used for addressing younger people, not necessarily one's relatives.

Adinda. ID. Younger sister. More intimate than adik.

Babé. ID/Betawi. Familiar form of father, commonly used in Jakarta.

. ID/Betawi. Short form of Babé, father. Jakartan slang. 

Bang. ID. Older brother, short form of abang. If used with non-relatives, it is has the connotation of a slang, and is somewhat equivalent to “man” in English.

Bĕndara. JW. Master.

Bibi. JW/ID. Aunt. A way of addressing/referring to older women. 

Bos. ID/JW. An adaptation of the English "boss". Used either to refer to one's superior or to a friend in a joking context, for example, when a person orders others around without realizing he/she is doing so. 

Bu. ID/JW. Short form of ibu, mother.

Bung. ID. Similar to bang, but slightly less formal.  It might mean "comrade". The political leaders of the independence war are often referred to with this term, for example Sukarno is often referred to as

Bung Karno. 

Dara. JW. Short form of bĕndara, master. 

Dèn. JW. Sir, master, used to address royalty. Short form of radèn.

Dhé. JW. Short form of pakdhé, uncle.

Dhik. JW. Short form of adhik. Younger brother/sister. It is used for addressing younger people, not necessarily one's relatives.

Éyang. JW. Grandfather.

Dimas. JW. Younger brother.

Gusti. JW. Lord. Used to address superiors and Gods.

Ibu. JW/ID. Mother. Used generically to address women who are older than the speaker.

Kakang. JW. Older brother.

Kakang mbok. JW. Older sister.

Kanda. ID. Older brother. Formal.

Kang. JW. Older brother. Informal.

Kangmas. JW. Older brother.

Kaki. JW. Uncle

Kang. JW. Older brother, used generically for men older than the speaker. It is a shortened version of kangmas).

Kakak. JW/ID. Older brother/sister, used generically for people who are older than the speaker.

. JW. Son, short version of tholé.

Lik. JW. Often used between friends as a slang term of address. Uncle, "little father." Short form of {paklik}.

Ma. JW. Same as  pak, short form of rama.

Mbak. JW/ID. Older sister. Used generically for women who are slightly older than the speaker.

Mamang. ID. Uncle.

Mang. ID. Uncle, short form of mamang.

Mas. ID. Older brother, used generically for men who are older than the speaker. Although it is also a shortened version of the Javanese kangmas people prefer to use mas in Indonesian and kang in Javanese.

Mas bro. ID. Slang used among male friends. In a way, it is a reduplication.

Mbah. JW/ID Grandfather, grandmother. It is used generically to address people who are much older than the speaker. Short form of simbah.

Mbok. JW. Mother, short form of simbok. Used generically for women who are older than the speaker.

Mbokdhé. JW. Aunt. Literally, "big mother".

Mbul. JW. Informal term of address between close male friends.

Ndara. JW. Master. 

Nduk. JW. Daughter, short form of gĕndhuk.

Nggèr. JW. Son, short form of anggèr Used generically for people who are younger than the speaker, with whom the speaker is on intimate terms.

Nimas. JW. Younger sister. 

Nok. JW. West Javanese term for daughter, short form of dhénok.

Nona. ID. Miss, unmarried woman.

Paduka. ID. Your Excellency. 

Pak. JW/ID. Father, used generically for men who are older than the speaker.

Pakdhé. JW. Uncle. Used to refer to a man who is older than one's father. 

Paman. ID. Uncle. Used to refer to a man who is older than one's father. 

Pangéran. JW/ID. Prince.

Prabu. JW. King.

Radén. JW. Master, used for royalty.

Rama. JW. Father. It can also be used to designate catholic priests when one is speaking in Indonesian. 

Simbah. JW/ID Grandfather, grandmother. It is used generically to address people who are much older than the speaker. 

Sinuwun. JW. Very formal way to address a man, reserved for sultans, kings and Gods.

Siwa. JW. Term for addressing older people. 

Siwak. JW. Same as Siwa. Term for addressing older people. 

Tholé. JW. Son

Tuan. ID. In colonial contexts, this is the way foreigners are addressed but it can also mean sir.

Wa Nĕrpati. JW. Uncle king, equivalent to the Indonesian paman raja.

Wa. JW. For addressing older people, short form of siwa.

Yayi. JW.  Younger brother/sister.

Yunda. JW. Older sister.

See the Translation conventions.



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