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This video was originally published by The Lontar Foundation. In Kathryn Emerson's book Innovation, Style and Spectacle in Wayang: Purbo Asmoro and the Evolution of an Indonesian Performing Art (Singapore: NUS Press, 2022) there are references to these performances with timecodes that correspond to the recordings on this website.

The Grand Offering of the Kings (Sesaji Raja Suya)

Dalang: Ki Pubro Asmoro
Translated by: Kathryn Emerson

Recording information

Recording date: May 31, 2008
Recording location: The Dharmawangsa Hotel, Jakarta, Indonesia
Head of team and cameraman: Kartiko Nugroho
Cameraman: Danang Susilo
Video editor: Nanang Hape

Artists and wayang puppet set

Gamelan Accompaniment: Mayangkara
Kendhang: Hadi Soecipto
Gendèr: Saminto
Rebab: Suraji
Bonang: Subandi
Pesindhèn: Sukesi Rahayu, Yayuk Sri Rahayu, Suyatmi, Ninuk Sudi Rahayu
Wayang Set Used: Kyai Bantala, owned by Ki Purbo Asmoro with the simpingan from Sanggar Redi Waluya-Jakarta

The Grand Offering of the Kings (Sesaji Raja Suya)

Classical Style

Contemporary-interpretive Style

Condensed Style

  • Disk 1
